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Just a quick post..i'm catching up on my posts since i decided to go back to blogging...
My long been awaiting package from Ekilove finally came! I was so worried that it's lost somewhere.

Look how cute she wrapped it. It's too pretty to open it! It's really made with love.

Eki is just soooooooo sweet including a lot of stuff... I can now try the Beauty Diary Mask..it's her favorite mask

I bought the Elegant Hime Earrings so I was surprised when i saw 2 boxes. I wasn't expecting it....Lookee!

The bracelet is really well-made because i can't see where the knot is. It's awesome!

As for the earrings...it's L-O-V-E!

It's so pretty! I like it sooooo much. It's all kawaii &sparkly... i think it's kira meki in japanese...im trying to improve my nihonggo.hehe

I really feel like a real hime when i wore it. I can't wait for the perfect ocassion to wear this. It's just sooooooooooo pretty. makes my heart flutter when i saw it.

Have to wear the shades so to cover like 1/3 of my face..lol..feels like i'll be murdering Ehi's creation if i take a pic without dolly-ing up first.

Arigato Eki-chan, for taking the time to do & wrap everything with love. I can really feel the love pouring as soon as i opened the package. The line "made with love" is just perfect because it is really made with pure love!

Can't wait for her next batch of creations

That's all...
Hope you'll have a great day!

Jaa ne~!

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