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Scooter Braun Opens Up About Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande's Scandals

Scooter Braun Opens Up About Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande's Scandals

Famed manager Scooter Braun is opening up about his clients Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande in a revealing interview with The New York Times.

When asked how he responded to Ariana‘s first mini-scandal when she was caught licking donuts in a California shop, he had some good advice.

“I tell her, you have to address the mistakes that you made and own them. Some of the words she used in that shop were things she needed to address, and she did,” he explained, adding that he thought there was an overreaction from the public.

Scooter also alluded to Justin‘s egg-throwing incidents.

“But I also think — not about her, but just in general — we’re getting a little ridiculous when it comes to doughnuts and eggs. The rock stars of ’70s were really [expletive]. Let’s talk about some real stuff. Why are we discussing that when we have real significant issues in the world? Like, gun control. And the fact that a presidential candidate is saying things that I find to be anti-American. These are the things we should be angry and frustrated about.”

via Source

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