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Throwback Thursday Review: 'Snowpiercer'

Last week I didn't post a Throwback Thursday Review so I thought I'd try to post two today and I may not be able to get a Throwback Thursday review out every Thursday but I will do my best! It will get increasingly more difficult as the tv shows I watch come back on air and school gets going again but I would like to try to review all six Star Wars films before Star Wars: The Force Awakens comes out, each of the Back To The Future films since it's the 30th anniversary this year, and a few James Bond flicks before Spectre. This film has been on a list of movies I've planned to watch for a while now and I noticed it was on Netflix so I seized the opportunity and decided to watch and review it as this week's Throwback Thursday Review even though it's completely unrelated to any upcoming releases.

'Snowpiercer' Review

This film is the last film from the list of the top 5 movies I wish I had seen 2014 that I needed to review making it an adequate selection for this week's Throwback Thursday with the added bonus that I've yet to see the film prior to watching it last night making it the first film in my Throwback Thursday review series I haven't seen before. I must say I loved this film it has everything I want in a film with action, a mysterious and intriguing story, stunning visuals, and some stellar performances from some great actors. Chis Evans is phenomenal in the lead role with some great scenes and really dives into his complex character. Jamie Bell is also a standout in the film and I'm sure this got him the role of Ben Grimm in the new Fantastic Four reboot as he is quite enjoyable and complex as well. Tilda Swinton provides a great supporting role and manages to steal many scenes as one of the antagonists. John Hurt, Ed Harris, and Octavia Spencer each shine in supporting roles creating characters we care about. The plot of the film is very intriguing and maintained my interest throughout the entire film taking many twists and turns that made the story much more interesting and increased stakes. The director Joon-ho really dives into the post-apocalyptic world he has created and does an effective job in combination with the production design to create an authentic gritty dark train atmosphere for the film. The action sequences are very violent at times since the film is rated R but they are very enjoyable and incredible to watch. The film also allows for great social commentary on social classes and how ridiculous these class divisions are. I really loved this film and can say with the upmost confidence that this is probably the best movie I've seen relatively recently within the past month or so and highly recommend that you check it out on Netflix if you can spare two hours at home!

Film Assesssment: A-

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