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'Sicario' Review

Sicario was one of the films that I spoke of in my list of the 5 movies I wish I had seen 2015 and I  purchased it on Blu-Ray recently so thought "Why not review it?"

'Sicario' Review

Nominated For: Best Original Score, Best Cinematography, and Best Sound Editing.

Sicario is a thriller that follows a black ops border mission that aims to end some drug cartels. The film is directed by Denis Villeneuve, who does a phenomenal job collaborating with cinematographer, Roger Deakins, and composer, Jóhann Jóhannsson, to build suspense and intrigueSicario's finale especially contains an interesting mix of camerawork and a chilling score that culminates to build waves of suspense. 
The film's central cast also give some great performances with Emily Blunt as a very capable female lead, Josh Brolin as mysterious Department Defense contractor, but Benicio Del Toro is the one who steals the show, quite literally. 
Overall, Sicario is an incredibly well made film with with great direction, some awesome cinematography, spectacular performances and a petrifying score. I'd recommend it for any whose interests were peaked regarding the film or anyone that just enjoys a suspenseful thriller. I'm doubtful the film will be significantly recognized by the Academy, but I'd be glad if it were indeed nominated. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens Friday when the nominations are announced. 

Film Assessment: B+

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