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Saran wrap nails with Illamasqua


I have seen a lot of lovely girls doing saran wrap/cling film manicures lately and I find it so pretty, I had to try!
So here we go :D

I used 2 coats of Illamasqua Wink as my base color, let it completely dry. I did it on all my nails. Then I grabbed some cling film and made a small ball out of it. When Wink was completely dry, I applied one coat (no need to apply it carefully) of Illamasqua Jo'mina and immediately dabbed the plastic ball onto my nail to remove some of Jo'mina an create this marble effect. You have to do one nail after the other because you want your last color to be still yet. I followed this tutorial here and took some pictures of the whole process ;D
It's super easy and fast!!

And thanks, Rachel from Polished Criminails, for sendig me Illamasqua Wink during our swap :D I love it!

Purchase info
Illamasqua polishes can be purchased from Illamasqua online store. You can follow Illamasqua on Facebook.

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