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Naomi Watts: 'pregnant' with pink curls

Naomi Watts: Old and new 

We used to see Naomi Watts in noble images of strong women - say, in the role of Princess Diana or a loving mother.

But suddenly the actress changed her image, and now in her wardrobe is dominated by short shorts, tank tops guipure, tight "pregnant" belly and leopard-print underwear. Oh yes, and the blond curls Naomi suddenly got dope in the form of soft pink Ombre.

All these changes are, fortunately, are not associated with middle-age crisis, are due to a new role: the actress is now busy on the set of tapes " Saint Vincent de Van Nuys "(St. Vincent de Van Nuys), where she will play a Russian prostitute discovers that she is pregnant.

That such diverse Naomi her on the shoulder and play princess, and" prostitute ".

But, before we estimate the change in the appearance of Naomi, we suggest to consider the first official poster biopic" Diana: A Love Story ", where the actress appears as a stylish wife of Prince Charles:

Naomi Watts in the image of Princess Diana: the first official poster 

In contrast: Naomi Watts on the set of "St. Vincent de Van Nuys"

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