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Maureen Waititu lashes at Frankie in charged YouTube video, says he's an irresponsible father

Maureen Waititu, Frankie Just Gym It and Corazon Kwamboka

Maureen Waititu tears into Frankie in charged YouTube video, says he's an irresponsible father

YouTube personality Maureen Waititu has lashed out at the father of her children, accusing him of misrepresenting the situation between the two of them as pertains to access to the two children they have together.

In a charged YouTube video released on Saturday evening and titled 'Enough', Waititu accused Frankie – the father of her two sons – of not being a responsible parent.

She referred to the Constitution and parents’ equal responsibility to care for their children.

“Minors are very delicate and we have a responsibility to take care of them and me as a mother, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing,” Waititu said.

“I have papers, evidence of everything I have done to make him be a better father. I have protected him… but I’m not going to do that anymore.”

Waititu said after she and Frankie split, she “begged” him to buy one of their son’s a phone to ease communication, but he did not do so. She went on to say she decided to make her nanny the contact person Frankie should reach out to when he wanted to speak to their children, but added that he never did so.

She went on to say that she asked Frankie to give a structure for taking care of their children, but he allegedly kept on procrastinating.

“A year and four months later, nothing has happened,” she said.

Frankie has previously denied being a ‘dead beat’ dad to his children with Waititu.

In July, he released a YouTube video saying he does the best he can to provide for the children.

He said he contributed in a number of ways, including allowing Waititu to stay in the house they used to live in together in Westlands rent free and opting to move out.

The house, he said, belongs to his mother. Waititu later addressed the matter, acknowledging that the house was indeed Frankie’s mother’s, but added that she had not insisted on living there, but rather the mother had offered to let her stay there.


In a post dated October 20, addressed to one of the sons named Lexi during his birthday, Frankie alleged that he had been denied access to him (Lexi), even during his birthday.

“Since I have no access to you, I’ll pass these words on and hope they find you. Be true to yourself always. Live your own dreams. Don’t take life so seriously. And, last but certainly not least Know that I love you and will always be there for you. No matter what I’ve got your back. You are my son and always will be. Happy Birthday Lexi,” wrote Frankie.

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When you came into this world, you brought a love so pure I had never before experienced. When you spoke your first word, walked your first steps, I became your biggest fan. With every milestone you reached, I reveled in joy. You taught me the meaning of love -- true, unconditional love. As you continue to grow, you will live your own life. You will have times of happiness and times of disappointment. You will fall in love, and you will have your heart broken. Life has its ups and downs and is not always fair, but I know your strength and resilience will see you through. May you always know your worth and how incredibly precious you are! As your Papa, it is my privilege to impart these important truths to you. Since I have no access to you, I’ll pass these words on and hope they find you. Be true to yourself always. Live your own dreams. Don't take life so seriously. And, last but certainly not least, Know that I love you and will always be there for you. No matter what, I've got your back. You are my son and always will be. Happy Birthday Lexi.

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She did, however, say it was not really a favor, because she and Frankie have children together and he has a responsibility to take care of the children. She said had they had no children, she wouldn’t have stayed in the house, but because the house was in an ideal location and the children had gotten used to it, it was their right to stay there.

Waititu has since moved out of the house, saying Frankie gave her a month to vacate the apartment.

Frankie had also said he paid for the boys’ school tuition fees of Sh150,000 and an upkeep of Sh6,000 per week.

However, on Saturday, Waititu said, “You can’t force a parent to be a parent.”

She recounted a time in July where she says she sat Frankie down and encouraged him to be a better father, only to find out through social media that he had another child on the way with socialite Corazon Kwamboka.

Kwamboka herself took to Instagram on Saturday night to throw indirect jabs at someone she said was ‘harassing’ her and making her life hard over their ex leaving them.

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corazon kwamboka Instagram photos

corazon kwamboka Instagram photos

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corazon kwamboka Instagram photos

corazon kwamboka Instagram photos

corazon kwamboka Instagram photos

Kwamboka even said that she was forced to leave her own house because "Maureen" was driving to her house at midnight.

Corazon's comment left some of the netizens wondering what someone would be doing outside at midnight past curfew hours.

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