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Bow Wow's Baby Mama, Joie Chavis Speaks

I didn't know that name, "Joie Chavis", till this morning. If you don't know, Joie Chavis, who happens to be Bow Wow's baby Mama, is also a Video Vixen. I think she looks pretty cool; don't you think so? Anyway, she has come forward to speak on the matter of Bow Wow's baby and His suicidal tendencies.

Joie Chavis went through an emergency C-Section to have the kid on the April 27th, but Bow Wow kept it a secret from the world until last week. You can read up the letter from him that explains it here- bow wow speaks on daughter

Read on what she said below-

"He would always talk to me. We became friends before anything. So he would always talk to me and I was straight to the point with him. I would always tell him 'you have fans, you have people who admire and look up to you. You have a beautiful blessing on the way that you have to live for. You have so much to live for so don't think like that.' I was definitely always there for him to cope with whatever he was going through. And just letting him know, be that father that you didn't have to your daughter." (Global Grind)

I think Bow Wow needs to take a little break and focus on his personal life for a minute. He came forward sometime earlier this year to say that he had been contemplating suicide, based on where his career was at right now. He is not as "hot" as he once was, and because all he has ever known since childhood was music, their is an imbalance in his psycho-physiological make up. That is what happened to Micheal Jackson; that's what is happening to Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Porter). Bow Wow needs to take a full year break from music, and just have a life. He needs to go to eastern Europe or Africa, where people don't really know him, and just have a break.

Read what Glasses Malone had to say about the news of Bow Wow's daughter-

"He's been in this business forever and n*ggas be wanting to hurt themselves over this business," Glasses told SOHH. "I know dudes who have become full drug addicts and alcoholics because of this business. That sh*t is probably going to help him because like I said, his life has always been in the industry and this may have given him something even more for him to live for. Sometimes people don't know the value of families and I think a dude like that, this is going to help him and he's going to treat the baby right." (SOHH) 

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